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15 March - 15 May, 2016
Rabarama exposes at "Italian Fine Art Gallery" in Positano (SA), Italy
29 April - 1 May, 2016
Rabarama is at "Il Salotto delle Eccellenze" a Padua, at the Caffè Pedrocchi, Via VIII Febbraio, 5 - The day 29 of April the artist will be at the vernissage
7 May - 12 June, 2016
Rabarama esposes at Asolo with the exhibition RabarAMAsolo, see also Biennale d'arte di Asolo
26 May - 12 June, 2016
Rabarama is present at the Biennale Vught, in Vught, The Netherland with Van Loon Galleries.
11 August - 1 September, 2016
Narayana - Rabarama's exhibition at SimonBart Gallery in Porto Cervo, Sardinia (Italy)
25 August - 30 September, 2016
Rabarama exposes at Manni Art Gallery, Venice, during the Movie Festival
2 September - 10 October, 2016
MULTICOLORE - Sculptures of RABARAMA end painitngs by Gerhard Neumaier e Yulia Kasakova at  Galerie Hegemann, Munich
10 September, 2016
Rabarama receives the career award at the Gran Galà Arte Cinema Impresa - Fondazione Mazzoleni - Venice
1 October, 2016
Final at Merano of the Rabarama Skin Art Festival of which Rabarama is godmother and takes part in the jury
15 October - 22 November, 2016
Rabarama exposes at the Biennale d'Arte Contemporanea di Salerno, Italy
2 December - 18 December, 2016
Rabarama exposes at the Biennale Veghel, Veghel, The Netherlands with Van Loon Galleries
Biennale Vught
Italian Fine Art Gallery
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